Efficient patterns for CPU processing in Unreal Engine

In this set of articles is presented a set of techniques to deal with efficient CPU processing in Unreal Engine. To illustrate them, these approaches will be applied on a concrete use case which is the ability to procedurally generate an infinite open world and/or mazes.

Procedural world generation refers to the use of algorithms and mathematical functions to create virtual worlds or landscapes in a computer program. It is a technique commonly used in video games, simulation software, and other applications where large-scale virtual environments are required.

Procedural world generation typically involves the use of a series of interconnected algorithms to create a cohesive and believable virtual world. These algorithms may generate terrain, vegetation, weather patterns, and other environmental features.

One of the advantages of using procedural world generation is that it allows for the creation of virtually infinite worlds that are unique each time they are generated. This can save time and resources compared to manually creating individual environments or levels.

Some of the techniques used in procedural world generation include fractal noise, cellular automata, and Voronoi diagrams. These algorithms can be used to generate terrain, simulate erosion, model weather patterns, and create realistic ecosystems.

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